Solving the Scale-up Gap Challenge
Even if a startup has had early wins surviving startup inception hurdles,
continuing to scale (and ultimately have a successful exit) is hard and never
guaranteed, regardless of past performance and plans. New advances around
Generative AI and Low-code / No-code are enabling new software startups to
rapidly disrupt markets and challenge incumbents with new innovative
Tachyon Solutions provides strategic product consulting that helps startups
embrace continuous adaptation of their Product/Market Fit as the “new
normal” and continue to tune their product’s unique value proposition to the
Product/Market Fit Services
A proven methodology for working with a Startup’s leadership team and cross-functional middle-management leaders. Review your Product / Market Fit in light of the changing market or customer dynamics, and produce a Product / Market Fit Blueprint” and associated execution playbook that leads to accelerated growth.
Generative AI
The competitive pressures to apply AI to the heart of your product strategy are accelerating. Designed to meet the ever-evolving demands of modern enterprise software providers, we brings a timely set of new Generative AI service offerings with a systematic approach to develop and implement AI-first strategies -- unlocking unparalleled business value.
Enterprise No-Code Services
Customized consulting services that are tailored for the bespoke needs of your business. Delivered through a unique workshop-based model that efficiently enables your team to get going FAST. Assists you wherever you are in the No-Code Lifecycle, from earliest planning and ideation all the way through Go-Live and continuous everyday improvement or pursuing scale by operating an enterprise-wide CoE.

Tachyon Solutions and Macula Systems Join Forces to Empower Businesses to deliver Generative AI-First Strategies
Client Testimonials
(For more detailed Case Studies, click here)
Thomas E. Hogan
former Chairman and CEO
Kony, Inc.
“Burley has a proven set of experience in helping mid/late stage startups to optimize their product roadmap and execution.
He doesn’t just theorize about the right approaches to try but brings his experience to bear in optimizing your product/market fit for accelerated growth.”
Evan Ellis
former President/CEO
K2 Software, Inc.
“To be a leader in this dynamic and competitive industry, it’s essential for a startup to continue to re-invent itself and optimize it’s product/market fit.
Burley brings a proven set of expertise and frameworks to help startups to successfully adapt, innovate and grow.”
Carlos Carvajal
former CMO
Kony, Inc.
"Startups often get stretched in many different directions and it’s easy to lose focus. Burley has helped tech executives refocus and optimize their product roadmap onto the vital few things that matter, which align Product / Market Fit, to achieve desired business growth outcomes.”

Practical, vendor-agnostic No-Code expertise
Burley co-authored the first practical, vendor-agnostic guide that empowers teams to deliver business applications of any complexity with No-Code.
The Playbook provides guidance to help Enterprises and Enterprise startups with how to organize efficient IT and business collaboration and deliver game-changing results leveraging the potential of No-Code approach while staying compliant with governance requirements.
Proven, trusted
Leadership and Expertise
60+ Years of Experience
Top 25 Product Executives, 2020
Tachyon Solutions provides guidance, training and consulting services to enterprises and Enterprise startups. As a focused and high value consultancy, we are committed to our client’s success and the optimization of their strategy and ongoing execution in order to realize successful outcomes.